We have got experience in both Pharmaceutical and food applications then customer can get quick response and appropriate supplier

Food and Beverage

All of Alfa Laval’s hygienic food equipment, food machinery, and services for the food processing industry are developed with the aim of keeping up with the food industry trends and addressing four key challenges supplying food products to consumers at a competitive price, getting the most from raw materials, reducing waste and emissions, and delivering safe and hygienic food products.

Food and Beverage usecase diagram 1
Use case #1
Food and Beverage usecase diagram 2
Use case #2

Pharmaceutical Personal care and Home care

Bringing a drug or a vaccine, personal care and home care to market requires cutting-edge technologies. To succeed, pharmaceutical manufacturers demand efficient, hygienic equipment that delivers continuous processes and sustainable performance – scalable from pilot to full-scale production.

Pharmaceutical usecase diagram 1
Diagram Factory